Preliminary Task Group Evaluation


Group Evaluation

Working with Amy to complete my preliminary film was a challenge. It was good that we both worked together as a group because we were both able to share our ideas with each other which helped in the production of the film.

Both of us were able to us the camera in different shots and were able to put our own ideas on each scene. It was good to work as a group due to having many different ideas and were able to construct an interesting and productive film. We used a variety of shots and ideas to construct our final piece. Working as a group helped us to create our film quickly and efficiently with a good amount of time for editing.

We both had strengths in areas that others didn't. Amy was better at the editing side of things as well as coming up with the ideas for our final preliminary. On the other hand, I was stronger in areas such as music, camera work and instructing what the actors should do. We were able to highlight our strengths and weaknesses and support each other in those areas. 

I preferred working in a group of 2 because it was nice to have someone to help me and support me in the weak areas and I the same for her. It was good for the film that we were able to work together and support each other in areas and help to create our final preliminary to our best ability. However for my final film I have decided that I will not be working with Amy as we do not share the same ideas for what our final pieces should become. I have therefore decided to work with Lucy who will help me and support me as i will do the same for her. We both share the same ideas and aspirations for our finals piece  

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