Panning: Horror/Thriller Mood Boards


Horror/Thriller Film Mood Boards

The mood board above shows the different stereotypical ideas of a horror film. The fonts and colors of the titled films help to create the feel of a horror film. The titles have to be enticing and bold so as to stand out and encourage the viewers to want to watch the film. For the color scheme I chose black because it’s a strong color and when I use it, I intend to mainly use it for the background of the film. Black is a color we know to signify fear and death. Another color I have chosen is red, red is a sign of danger, blood, death, excitement and passion, I mainly want to use this for blood and persona color. I chose blue because it means peace, color of the sky and ocean, good will, calm and justice. I chose grey because it’s a neutral color that doesn’t make a character good or bad, dullness, gloom and fog. I have white because the ghost girl’s skin in pale and I will add a title with the same color to fit with the black background. It’s a color of good, will, peace and hope. The color also helps to signify the loss of the characters that were forgotten a long the course of the film.

This is my mood board for the thriller genre in which I have tried to convey the conventions of the genre and what it means to most thriller film viewers. I firstly started out by thinking of the films/trailers that have influenced me and then went on to think about the things they have in common.I thought about characters mostly- thinking about heroes/villains/victims and what they all seem to have in common (such as victims in thrillers seems to usually be women/children with light and/or blonde hair). I tried to convey these conventions through words that I thought fitted into the genre. I then thought about props and colors which I searched for on google images to portray other conventions I think can be found within the genre- such as handcuffed hands to represent the fact that most villains in thrillers are prisoners. I then thought about adding color to the board, adding black and white to convey how the heroes of thriller regularly try to bring justice to a violent and corrupted world. I also added red, to connote the violent nature of thrillers and the fact that a lot of innocent characters are usually murdered within these films. It also connotes the anger and brutal nature of the villains within these films, who are usually found to be relentless, unforgiving and despicable.

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